Recibimos y procesamos muestras tanto de materias primas, productos terminados, agua, o ambientales de nuestros clientes para realizar ensayos de recuentos, búsquedas o detecciones de microorganismos según los requerimientos.
Diagnostic and monitoring of vaccination plans service:
Pig and poultry sector
We carry out main diseases diagnoses that affect intensive poultry and pig farming as well as the possibility of knowing if the vaccination plan applied is effective or not. If necessary we have the possibility of calling veterinarians to carry out the sampling in farms.
Microbiological map
We send specialized technicians to our clients’ facilities to select and carry out intensive sampling during a certain period of time. This allows us to elaborate a microbiological map of the production processes.
This way our clients can make informed and intelligent decisions.
Sequencing and metagenomics
We provide a strain identification by sequencing service and the possibility of knowing the complete microbiological composition present in any type of sample, including air.
SARS-CoV-2 Solutions
With the global pandemic scenario caused by Covid-19, ARAVANLABS has played an important role in supplying our national health sector with supplies for sampling the virus in people, surfaces and air.